Features common to each Kintronic Labs combiner include:
Main and auxiliary crystal oscillators with local, remote or automatic switching
Total Output and Reject Current Meters with Remote Output
Local or remote selection of either Transmitter to Antenna, Combiner or Dummy Load
Presents 50 + j0 impedance at each transmitter input port independent of the output condition of the other transmitter
Adjustable Transmitter Input Power Sensors with automatic switching of failed Transmitter to Dummy Load
High Performance Audio Splitter to Yield 600 Ohm Balanced Output with 10 dbm Level to Each Transmitter
Power Imbalance/Reject Load capable of dissipating the RMS Power Output of one transmitter for a limited time
High RF throughput efficiency
Low Noise and Inter-modulation Distribution Characteristics
Rigid Transmission Line U-Links for Combiner to Transmitter Interconnects are Included